

It was early to late autumn before the pandemics and the first lockdowns had hit the city of Vancouver, Pacific coast of Canada. People with children, people of all walks of life, Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion movement members or just common folks started protesting inaction on Climate and Ecological Crisis and a Biodiversity Loss. Without Assange and whistleblowers like him, tragedy of mass manipulation will happen again like it happened in this case where mainstream media in Canada, manipulated the news where 100 000 in Vancouver and half a million mostly young people in Montreal have gathered and were not willing to give truce to a corruption and incompetent leadership of Canada.



I’m a guy with a master’s degree in Journalism who (long time ago) turned to visual arts because I feel I can contribute more to the fight that way, and for the obvious reason – I believe that they are trying to kill the last of what’s left of true journalism by trying to kill Assange and people like him – I am joining these particular fight.


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